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Writer's pictureMelissa Jane Dichiera

The Story of "No Love" by Final Gravity

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

BAND FINAL GRAVITY ANNOUNCED: The first single of their upcoming 2021 Album ‘SURVIVING HUMANITY’

Progressive Rock band with a hint of metal inspiration Final Gravity have released the teaser to their new single ‘No Love’. Starting November the band will be releasing one single a month for 8 months leading up to their long anticipated full album release of ‘Surviving Humanity’.

The first single ‘No Love’ which was released January 2019, really sets the tone for the album. Although not a concept album in terms of narrative there is a cohesive developing theme of self-awareness and growth throughout with songs titled; New Day, Hollow Days and Bleeding Sadness. These songs really tug at the heart strings and promote thought provoking awareness with ‘No Love’ being one of the standout powerful songs of the album. This song will move and inspire you to look at the world differently.

Here is the incredible story told by Lead Guitarist: Mike Clark of how the song ‘No Love’ came to be.

“No Love” was inspired by a decade that started with a major terrorist attack that changed the USA forever and ended with an economic crisis that nearly led to a second Great Depression. It was also not a happy time for me personally. While many Americans were enraptured by the booming housing market, I was dealing with a great deal of personal adversity and my curiosity and extensive reading led me to realize early on that the economy was built on a house of cards, about to collapse.

Against that backdrop, I created some initial musical and lyrical ideas for “No Love” in 2008. Even back then, I knew I had something special on my hands, but the song still needed a lot of work.

The next great burst of writing activity happened in 2009. I was on a business trip with an executive from my company who was also a longtime personal friend. We were booked to sit together on four different flights, which would have allowed for several hours of potentially career advancing conversation. This plan was thwarted by my friend’s decision to upgrade his seat on three of those flights. To make matters worse, a passenger died at the beginning of the final fight. As we deplaned for the passenger’s body to be removed, I contemplated the fleeting nature of life and the selfishness that can taint interpersonal relationships. Many of the final lyrics in “No Love” poured out as I sat alone during that last flight home.

The song’s evolution over the next couple of years was less dramatic. The original lineup of Final Gravity tried to record a demo in late 2009, but the song just didn’t sound right. I also worked on it with a couple of people from outside the band, which led to some interesting bass and keyboard ideas, but the core song didn’t change much. I started to accept the idea that “No Love” would join a small group of my songs that showed strong potential but would never be completed.

Vocalist Melissa Jane Dichiera joined Final Gravity in 2010 and after a string of successful shows, I wondered if the time had come to give “No Love” another try. We worked on the song in our rehearsal space and Melissa’s vocals added a spark that really helped bring the song to life. In one of those rehearsal sessions, we wrote the middle section and the structure as it exists today was mostly complete.

By mid-2012, our bassist Charles Mumford had left the band and I was about to enter an intense MBA program at UCLA. Since Final Gravity was likely to be dormant for the next two years, we booked three days at our drummer John Chominsky’s studio to record several demos, including “No Love”. At that time the song really came together. In fact, the drum, keyboard, and vocal parts as they exist today were mostly recorded during those sessions.

We left with a rough mix of “No Love” that finally captured the spirit and vibe that I always knew the song could have. Over the next few years, I listened to that mix hundreds of times, hoping we could someday polish the rough edges and release the song to the public as a document of a very troubled time, which fortunately had passed.

Fast forward to 2016. After several years of peace, prosperity, and strong economic recovery, dark clouds were visible on the horizon. After eight years of “Hope” danger signs indicated we might enter another period of “No Love”. Around this time, I played the 2012 demos for Charles and he seemed interested in rejoining the band. Shortly after a band meeting where we agreed to work on a second Final Gravity album, Donald Trump was elected president.

“We have the will

Now we need the power

To move us from this darkest age

Into our finest hour”

- Final Gravity “No Love”

To learn more about the band and the amazing songs as they release, visit the band site:

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View the exciting videos that will accompany each song release.

Thank you for your love and support as we "Survive Humanity".


Part 2



Part 2 told by Lead Singer Melissa Jane Dichiera

The words and story of this song seem to reign true more and more as I continue through life's journey. As I have encounters and interactions with different people or even witness others stories, I see this story unfold with more truth and deepness than I had even realized. It is like since bringing this message to my own attention I now notice it more than ever.

“We have the will

Now we need the power

To move us from this darkest age

Into our finest hour”

I don't know if it is because I am older or if the world has changed and with our evolution, times have become less simple. It seems that the innocence of life or the simplicity of being human has been lost and we have forgotten how to simply love and be kind to one another. No matter how busy, stressful or complicated life gets we need to not forget the little things that count. It could be as simple as sharing a smile to changing someone's world with a positive word, compliment or gesture.

I am literally on a mission right now to heal my Father with love and positivity. I hope that the ripple effect of what I am doing will be to not only heal my Father but to heal the whole world. Energy is powerful and what you put out either positive or negative will travel and multiple so make it positive and meaningful.

Don't forget the little things, don't forget to share your love, kindness and positivity even in the toughest of times. Make your footprint count in a positive way no matter how big or small it is because it all counts toward the bigger picture!

No Love = Share Love



Part 3



Part 3 told by Lead Singer Melissa Jane Dichiera

I feel like my words in Part 2 were a premonition speaking to my future self. Sadly my mission to heal my Father was unsuccessful and he passed away shortly after I wrote the LIVING THE STORY update. Even so I still believe strongly in those positive words I shared over a year ago and it seems they reign true more than ever. In fact the message feels like it is needed more now and has more power as it echoes stronger than I could have ever imagined.

In 2020 we have truly reached dark times not just because of the dangers on our lives as we are facing the Pandemic but from all the disconnect that seems to have grown stronger and stronger. We have been incorrectly conditioned to believe the opposite of what is good for us as we are pinned against each other for the sake of other peoples optimization. We laugh at kind caring positive thinking people, telling them to get real and live in reality but it is a reality that should not be and does not need to be. Why is it more acceptable to be selfish, lack moral standards, expect less, care less, love less and share less? Of course we feel lonely when we are giving to others the opposite of what we desire for ourselves. Our power is not in being divided but in being united. It is time now to stand together fueled by love and giving to others what we wish for in our own lives.

Being forced to isolate for the safety of mankind has left many feeling punished and alone. With the day to day distractions removed a magnifying glass has been shone on the inequalities we have accepted and allowed to grow larger and more out of control. Seeing our true inner selves magnified has disturbed our souls pushing us out of our comfort zone. We either rise to the occasion sharing the best of ourselves or give into our fears revealing the worst of ourselves as we allow others to suffer or even die as long as we can gain. It doesn't need to be this way, as enemies we limit ourselves, this negativity blinds us from the unlimited resources we could all enjoy together.

The saddest part is this experience should have united humans stronger than ever. It is in love and unity that we are at our strongest. When we help others we help ourselves because a world where everyone is taken care of, where everyone is equal and there is no lack of any abundance, is a happy world for all. There is no reason in this day and age why anyone should suffer or fear for their survival. How dark must it get until we see the light?

“We have the will

Now we need the power

To move us from this darkest age

Into our finest hour”

We all think we are alone, that we are the only one suffering, the only one going through whatever we are going through but we are not. Everyone feels the same struggles and we all want the same thing which is to be happy. This task can easily be achieved, we can all be happy if we stop being self consumed and start to care about other people's happiness too. Give what you wish to receive and once we start a positive chain-reaction everyone will be living the happy life they deserve and you will never feel alone again.

I know we have the will and I hope shining further light on this message will help us to get the power that lives inside us all to rise up to our true positive potential.

As this message grows stronger with time, these words reign true more than ever:

Energy is powerful and what you put out either positive or negative will travel and multiple so make it positive and meaningful.

Don't forget the little things, don't forget to share your love, kindness and positivity even in the toughest of times. Make your footprint count in a positive way no matter how big or small it is because it all counts toward the bigger picture!

No Love = Share Love



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